Why are you considering building or remodeling?

Most likely to improve the functionality and/or aesthetics of a space within your home or business. At Peter B. Isherwood Construction, LLC we understand this, and strive to give you the highest possible quality for your construction dollar. Please enjoy the information presented here with our sincerest hopes that it assists you in the pursuit of a successful project.

First, we need to answer the question of what is functional and/or beautiful to you? It’s helpful to understand what is important and meaningful to you, so below we’ve provided a list to help illustrate the difference in your perception of each aspect. The way you rate each aspect, will help us determine how your project is approached in order to best meet your needs. Please take a moment to ask yourself how you perceive each of these factors in your project.

Please use the following scale to rate each of the aspects listed below:
  • Very Important (1)
  • Important (2)
  • Neither Important nor Unimportant (3)
  • Unimportant (4)
  • Very Unimportant (5)

Please rate the following by how important each aspect is to you:
  • Presentation / Architectural Interest
  • Functionality
  • Quality of materials
  • Expense